Scrum for One: A Method for Chaotic Minds
I’ve been running my creative life with a weekly sprint plan for years. It’s simple. It works. It’s built for my multipotentialite (and neurodivergent) brain that loves to explore everything all at once.
Here’s the truth: the sprint plan isn’t really about goals. It’s about trajectory. A way to remind myself where I want to be headed. Every day, I check in with it and course-correct if needed.
And yes, the direction changes. A lot. That’s why I make a new plan every week. It matches my curiosity. My drive to explore new ideas and dive into fresh projects.
But the plan? It’s not the most important piece.
The daily scrum check-ins are.
Each day, I have a quick scrum meeting. With myself. Pair that with a freewriting journal, and it keeps me grounded. These check-ins stop me from wandering too far off-track. They keep me from going too deep into one rabbit hole and losing sight of the big picture.
Scrum for One is really just a conversation. With yourself.
I don’t spend time looking back at old sprint plans. I’ve got a stack of them somewhere, but that’s not the point. The point is staying in motion.
If this resonates, check out my podcast episode on Creative Shoofly. I go deeper into Scrum for One and how it works for me. Maybe it’ll work for you, too.
It’s not about perfection. It’s about direction.